
Quiz Wizard

Create a quiz in seconds

Quiz Wizard saves teachers and trainers hours in the creation of their MCQs and flashcards, thanks to artificial intelligence.

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Quiz Wizard Robot

Quiz Wizard in 3 steps

Generate content

Based on any topic.

Adapt it to your students

By personalizing the questions.

Export it to the platform of your choice

Wooclap, Wooflash, Moodle, Excel, Word, an many more!

Artificial intelligence supporting teachers and trainers

Quiz Wizard allows me to generate questions I hadn't thought of

Geneviève Ponsonnet, High School teacher at Académie de Versailles

Seamlessly generate smart questions

By using artificial intelligence, Quiz Wizard can generate creative questions, which can surprise students and stimulate their curiosity. Thanks to this feature, teachers can focus on what is important: imparting knowledge. They no longer have to spend hours thinking of relevant and original questions. With Quiz Wizard, all they have to do is provide a topic or material and let the AI do the rest.

Seamlessly generate smart questions

I go 4 times faster when I have to create a quiz

Eric Fock, Professor of Mathematics at Université de la Réunion

Create quizzes up to four times faster

In addition to generating intelligent questions, Quiz Wizard also allows teachers and trainers to create quizzes faster than ever before. Quiz Wizard users report that they can create quizzes up to four times faster than before. This speed-up is made possible by the ease of use of the interface and Quiz Wizard's ability to tailor content to the topic at hand. Teachers can customise their questions in no time and export their quizzes to the most popular e-learning platforms. With Quiz Wizard, creating quizzes is easier, faster and more effective than ever.

Create quizzes up to four times faster

Speed up the creation of your quizzes too, and focus on the essential: teaching!