06.12.2024 • 5 minutes
As the name suggests, icebreakers are used to break that icy silence that often dominates the start of a meeting. Creating connections, liberating exchanges, uninhibiting speech, building teams, and sparking debate: that’s what icebreakers are for.
For your work meeting, professional event or workshop, or to start off the school year with your students, discover our list of favorite icebreaker questions, simple games and activities and some of the very best you will find!
The 55 best icebreaker questions to connect with your audience
Little tips to get you started
Icebreaker questions depending on the situation
Icebreakers questions for students
Icebreakers for a work meeting or workshop
Icebreakers for work team building
Icebreakers for a virtual remote meeting or workshop
Multiple choice icebreaker questions for work situations
General icebreaker questions by theme
Before you choose the type of group icebreaker you will use to kick off your meeting, event, workshop or class, here we will give you some great tips to follow:
At the start of the school year, you will want to create a relaxed atmosphere with your new students, and, at the same time, facilitate respect and exchange between them and you. There’s nothing like a simple icebreaker activity for this! Here is a small list of some great questions that will help you start to get them talking (make sure you add something silly or fun):
You can also turn the tables of your icebreaker activity, and find a way to introduce yourself to your class in a fun and interactive way! Leave it up to your students to guess, write down and read out things about you with icebreaker questions like these:
Even more icebreaker questions for students
Bringing work teams together to collaborate on a group project can be a great challenge. At first, the embarrassment among team members can be palpable. If no-one dares speak, even if they know each other to some degree, it’s time to launch an icebreaker for adults!
Our favorite 5:
I want to see more icebreaker questions for business meetings
A work team building day serves to bring work teams together, and for everyone to get to know each other better. Check out some of our favorite questions to kick off a team building day, for participants to learn about each other, and to lighten the mood of the day right from the start!
Our favorite 5:
Virtual, remote meetings or workshops are a great modern day challenge for companies. Putting virtual work meeting participants at ease and encouraging interactions is even more difficult than when meeting face to face. Create the right virtual meeting climate for dialog with these questions:
Our favorite 5:
Discover more icebreaker questions for virtual meetings
Tip: For a large group, you can use a poll or word cloud feature to collect answers to your icebreaker questions and share the group results up on their screens.
For a small group, there’s nothing like a fun game to get people working together! Here are some great examples of icebreaker games to try in any event, work meeting, workshop, or class.
Start the day with a few questions about the work or the company, mixing in serious questions, about the company’s founding, for example, and fun questions.
Get people to write on a post-it a nickname that they have been given, or that they might give to themselves. Gather the participants together in a circle and mix the post-its, then draw them one by one. The aim of the game will be to guess who is behind each nickname!
Everyone gives three statements about themselves, their work, or their life, only two of which are true. The group of participants will then have to guess the lie!
Icebreaker questions can be related to a specific work theme or a general topic, and adapted to any kind of situation. Here is a small selection of our favorite questions for different occasions.
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