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Declaración de accesibilidad

Declaración de accesibilidad

Wooclap se compromete a garantizar la accesibilidad digital de las personas con discapacidad. Wooclap es una aplicación web que ayuda a los profesores y ponentes a interactuar con su público utilizando los dispositivos de los participantes. Por su diseño, Wooclap ofrece dos experiencias diferentes: una para presentadores y otra para participantes. Los presentadores tienen la opción de crear y configurar presentaciones interactivas, mientras que los participantes utilizan una interfaz simplificada que les permite participar rápidamente y responder o hacer preguntas.

Estamos continuamente mejorando la experiencia del usuario para todos, y aplicando las normas de accesibilidad pertinentes. La Interfaz del Participante cumple con las WCAG 2.1 en el nivel AA, con algunas limitaciones que se enumeran a continuación. Nos centraremos en la interfaz del presentador más adelante.

Estado de conformidad

Las Pautas de Accesibilidad para el Contenido Web (WCAG) definen los requisitos para que los diseñadores y desarrolladores mejoren la accesibilidad de las personas con discapacidad. Define tres niveles de conformidad: Nivel A, Nivel AA y Nivel AAA. La interfaz del participante de Wooclap es parcialmente conforme con el nivel AA de las WCAG 2.1. Parcialmente conforme significa que algunas partes del contenido no se ajustan completamente al estándar de accesibilidad.

La siguiente tabla muestra los esfuerzos que aún deben realizarse para cumplir con todos los criterios WCAG para la interfaz de participante.

Principle 1 - Perceivable
1.1.1 Non-text ContentASupportFor user generated content (such as question image attachments), presenters have the option to add a textual alternative.
1.1.1 Non-text ContentASupportFor user generated content (such as question image attachments), presenters have the option to add a textual alternative.
1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded)ASupportFor user generated content (such as audio or video files attached to a presentation), presenters have the option to add a video transcript
1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded)ASupportPresenter can add videos using the Youtube platforms, which supports captions.
1.2.3 Audio Description or Media AlternativeADoes Not SupportSee 1.2.1
1.2.4 Captions (Live)AANot ApplicableNo Live content
1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded)AADoes Not SupportSee 1.2.1
1.3.1 Info and RelationshipsASupportARIA landmark and labels are included for interactive elements when necessary
1.3.2 Meaningful SequenceASupportDOM order matches the visual order
1.3.3 Sensory CharacteristicsASupportARIA labels or visible textual labels are included for components.
1.3.4 OrientationAASupportWooclap works for all device orientations
1.3.5 Identify Input PurposeAASupportInput fields are correctly labelled
1.4.1 Use of ColorASupportColor is never used as the only visual means of conveying information
1.4.2 Audio ControlASupportAll possible audio sources contain pause/stop controls
1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum)AASupportText and background color have been chosen to remain above the contrast threshold.
1.4.4 Resize textAAPartially SupportText is resizable using the web browser controls, however zooming is currently disabled for smartphones.
1.4.5 Images of TextAASupportNo such text in our interface (except for presenter-uploaded content or logos)
1.4.10 ReflowAASupportText does stays in one column (no horizontal scroll) even when zoomed
1.4.11 Non-text ContrastAASupportColors have been chosen to remain above the contrast threshold
1.4.12 Text SpacingAASupportThe interface supports the required text style properties.
1.4.13 Content on Hover or FocusAANot ApplicableNo additional content on hover or focus
Principle 2 - Operable
2.1.1 KeyboardASupportAll functionalities are operable with a keyboard-only setup.
2.1.2 No Keyboard TrapASupportThere are no keyboard traps.
2.1.4 Character Key ShortcutsANot ApplicableNo such shortcuts: letter (including upper- and lower-case letters), punctuation, number, or symbol characters
2.2.1 Timing AdjustableANot ApplicableNo such timing constraints, except for an optional timer to answer questions controlled by the presenter
2.2.2 Pause, Stop, HideANot ApplicableNo moving, blinking or scrolling animation. No auto-updating part except for essential (real-time) parts
2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below ThresholdANot ApplicableThe interface does not flashe
2.4.1 Bypass BlocksASupportRepeated content is skippable using ARIA landmarks
2.4.2 Page TitledASupportRelevant title are provided to each page
2.4.3 Focus OrderASupportTab order follows semantical order
2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)ASupportLinks are correctly labelled
2.4.5 Multiple WaysAADoes Not ApplyWooclap works as a Single-Page application
2.4.6 Headings and LabelsAASupportHeading and labels are used to structure the page content
2.4.7 Focus VisibleAASupportAll interactive components have a visible focus state
2.5.1 Pointer GesturesADoes Not ApplyNo functionality requires path-based gestures
2.5.2 Pointer CancellationASupportButtons never executes on the mousedown event
2.5.3 Label in NameASupportVisual names and Accessible names are the same
2.5.4 Motion ActuationADoes Not ApplyNo such functionalities in Wooclap
Principle 3 - Understandable
3.1.1 Language of PageAPartially SupportThe “lang” attribute in the HTML is always set to English, but the language of the content will be correctly identified with lower-level attributes..
3.1.2 Language of PartsAASupportThe language of the interface is configurable by the user, and the chosen language will be correctly applied to the interface with a “lang” attribute
3.2.1 On FocusASupportFocus never changes the context (state)
3.2.2 On InputASupportInput never changes the context (state)
3.2.3 Consistent NavigationAASupport
3.2.4 Consistent IdentificationAASupport
3.3.1 Error IdentificationADoes Not SupportError message are not always accessible
3.3.2 Labels or InstructionsASupportUser inputs are always labelled in an accessible way
3.3.3 Error SuggestionAADoes not SupportsError message on input error are not always accessible
3.3.4 Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data)AANot ApplicableNo such content
Principle 4 - robust
4.1.1 ParsingASupportValid HTML is used
4.1.2 Name, Role, ValueASupportARIA properties are used when relevant
4.1.3 Status MessagesAADoes Not SupportStatus message cannot be correctly interpreted by assistive technologies


Agradecemos sus comentarios sobre la accesibilidad de la Interfaz de Participantes de Wooclap. Por favor, háganos saber si encuentra cualquier barrera de accesibilidad en esta Interfaz de Participantes: info@wooclap.com.

Esta declaración se actualizó por última vez el 21 de junio de 2020